How to upload documents via the camunda connector?

Hi guys,

I am trying to use connect to upload documents from Camunda to a content services application as the final step in an approval flow.
I have also invested some effort into creating a custom connector to do transparent authentication between both components (BPM & ECM) and since the default payload parameter does only support a String, I was wondering if I should also work on a support for uploading files in my custom connector as well.

But then I thought I’d better ask the camunda guys first and see how do they approach such problems before going on my own and trying to re-invent the wheel…

So how would you guys launch REST calls to upload / update the content of a document from a separate application… let’s say NextCloud or OwnCloud for example ?

Thanks in advance for your replies !

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I had this problem as well. This was my solution: Replacing Http-Connector with Jsoup usage

Basically replacing connector with jsoup solved all the issues for binary files. Really nice dsl.

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I also recently looked into this - how to upload documents to Nextcloud. I took this sample project from Felix Mueller (Camunda) as a basis and replaced the CMISConnector with my own, which uploads via WebDAV to Nextcloud. It was just a quick test I did recently, haven’t looked further into it yet (i.e. transparent authentication, etc.). Just wanted to point you to this ECM-CMIS sample project, maybe it’s helpful.

Interested to see your progress on this. I work at Nextcloud, therefore I welcome any effort that is done to combine these two great open source products. If there are any question regarding the ECM/Nextcloud side, just let me know.

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This seems to bring way more than what I need, and its usage might be not as straight forward as I would like… but sure it does seem like an interesting approach.

I actually went along and extended my custom connector (I have already created a custom connector to add few more features to the http-connector out of the box). And I added an extra parameter to my connector for binary payload and I am using that extra parameter to provide the binary payload.

I am exploring how to connect nextcloud with camunda to get your files uploaded from nextcloud and same goes for downloading file. i am at beginner level and seeking help in this regard.
This would be really appreciated, If anyone could help me on this.

Hello yreg,

Although I realise a lot of time passed after this comment…do you still happen to remember how you did this extension? Is there maybe a git repo you can point me to?
This extension is exactly what I need for my project…

Thanks and regards,