Optimistic locking exception (OLE) was occurred when big amount of instances are executed


Optimistic locking exception (OLE) was occurred when big amount of instances are executed on my process.
Exception is intermittent, it does not occur every time.
For example when less than 2000 instances (it’s not threshold just example) are executed everything works fine,
but when more instances are executed on the same time OLE occurs.

In the cockpit I can see incident which says:
org.camunda.bpm.engine.exception.NullValueException: Cannot find execution with id ‘<ID_NUMBER>’ referenced from job ‘MessageEntity[…]’: execution is null

The incident number is not fixed and it varies on execution;
sometimes there are several incidents with the same input data.

My schema is specific because all service tasks are async before,
you can find a small cut of a schema as well as OLE stack trace in the attachment.

I try to setup jdbcBatchProcessing to false as suggested on this solution,
but without success:

Project details:

  • Spring boot application
  • Camunda version: v7.11.0
  • Camunda DB - Oracle 19c

It looks that problem is in Camunda engine; which scenario OLE occurs?

Jovan Zoric
OptimistickLockingException.log (2.6 KB) optimistic-lock-exception.bpmn (10.5 KB)