- Camunda version: 7.8.0, integrated into Wildfly 10.1.0 (i.e., not the pre-packaged version).
- Database: Oracle data base
- Default process engine
- Camunda-REST-API integrated by using the provided Maven-Artefact
Created a simple workflow containing a user task, it is deployed under the process-definition key “genericOrder”.
A process can be launched by “POST /process-definition/key/genericOrder/start”.
By “GET gasport-camunda-bpm-restservice/task” I get
“created” : “2017-12-21T12:43:00.308+0000”,
“parentTaskId” : null,
“executionId” : “7a5ba9cb-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a”,
“followUp” : null,
“assignee” : null,
“id” : “7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a”,
“caseDefinitionId” : null,
“processInstanceId” : “7a5ba9cb-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a”,
“caseExecutionId” : null,
“due” : null,
“name” : “Approve Order”,
“suspended” : false,
“priority” : 50,
“tenantId” : null,
“processDefinitionId” : “genericOrder:1:67a3c07a-e64b-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a”,
“caseInstanceId” : null,
“delegationState” : null,
“owner” : null,
“taskDefinitionKey” : “UserTask_0b3v36h”,
“description” : null,
“formKey” : null
For instance, “POST /task/7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a/complete” with an empty JSON content always returns
“type”: “RestException”,
“message”: “Cannot complete task 7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a: ENGINE-03005 Execution of ‘DELETE TaskEntity[7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a]’ failed. Entity was updated by another transaction concurrently.”
The same is true for “PUT /task/task/7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a” with some JSON content to update the task:
“type”: “RestException”,
“message”: “Cannot complete task 7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a: ENGINE-03005 Execution of ‘UPDATE TaskEntity[7a5fa16f-e64c-11e7-a8e0-80c16efba18a]’ failed. Entity was updated by another transaction concurrently.”
The entities are not changed in the data base at all, as far as I can see. Thus, I do not understand, which other transaction should have changed them after the transactions started by the REST calls began.
I would be grateful for pointers, what might be wrong.