I have multiple process workflows.
I want to integrate it with custom UI.
How can I integrate different workflow with UI.
One way of integration is using Camunda Rest api. From UI, you can make rest api calls to camunda server(standalone deployment).
My workflows in backend are dynamic,how will the UI know which task to execute next as the workflows have User Tasks in them.
you can query by activity name or tasks assigned to the logged in user or group.
There’s a form key attribute that can be configured for each user task that can be used in the UI to resolve which screen should be used to complete the task.
Are there any ReST API’s for it?
Eg.If I have Process A and Process B and if my user1 has access to processA and user 2 to processB and when I log in as user1 I should see Process A only and in that if I want to integrate it with UI ,I would have to query activity name?(Did I understood this correct?)
This rest api will help you to achieve above usecase:
You need to pass filter attributes as json payload as mentioned in the docs. So you can pass the process definitionkey, userid, tenant, etc.
This gives me the current task of the process.I do not need this.
What I am looking is if processA has say 5 different tasks in it and if I instantiate a new process I need to get all the tasks of the particular process instance.
Can I get task names of a process definition through ReST API.
What do you mean by all the tasks? The tasks in the process instance even if the execution token not arrived at that activity?
Above api will return currently active task instances of the process definition.
Hi @Mass_Shake,
BPMN Model API is only available in java
Using REST API, you can only retrieve the xml content of the process definition