REST Connector in Desktop Modeler

I’ve followed this tutorial to model, deploy and run a diagram with a call to an API: Getting started with API endpoints | Camunda Platform 8 Docs

Now I’d like to do the same in the Desktop Modeler, but I can’t find the “REST connector” template. Is there any way to install it in my local Desktop Modeler?

REMARK: I’ve seen here that it might be only available in the SaaS Modeler, is that correct?

in Desktop Modeler you’d have to configure template in your local file system I think:

According to the the 8.1 release article you should be able to spin the connector locally in self-managed but I’m not sure whether the templates are available anywhere at the moment:

Maybe it’s this one: connector-http-json/http-json-connector.json at main · camunda/connector-http-json · GitHub

you probably already found the answer. But, maybe someone else will look for this… :slight_smile:
So there are two steps:

  1. Download the .json for the connector you need from GitHub - camunda/connectors: Camunda Connectors. I was also looking for the REST connector and got the two .json files from
  2. copy the .json files to the resources/element-templates folder in your Camunda Desktop Modelers folder
    By doing so i was able to select the REST connector in the “wrench menu” of a task in the modeler and apply the appropriate data



@Tom_Birdshill thanks for your answer.
This works for me on Windows.
Would you know how to do that on Mac? The doc Configuring templates | Camunda 8 Docs doesn’t mention where to find the element-templates folder on Mac

Hi @aowss,

the directory for Mac is documented here: Search paths | Camunda 8 Docs

Hope this helps, Ingo

for mac I see * ~/Library/Application Support but I dont see any folder structue there.
Do I need to create camunda-modeler/resources under ~/Library/Application Support ?

for me the path like this works: /Users/<!username here!>/Library/camunda-modeler/resources/element-resources



So you created resources/element-resources folder underneath there.
that folder structure not there by default.

my desktop modeler version 5.19.0

I created resources/element-resources under /Users/<!username here!>/Library/camunda-modeler/. and putted the json files in there

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the directory which working for me is element-templates not element-resources

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