Using ZeebeClient in PostConstruct get error during tests "ZeebeClient is currently not initialized. Maybe you run outside of a testcase?"

Hello! I’m newby in Camunda.
I try to declare a new worker inside a PostConstructor.
It’s fine when I execute the application but my tests fail with the error:

ZeebeClient is currently not initialized. Maybe you run outside of a testcase?

I’m using spring-boot 3.2.2 and Camunda 8.6.7


Does anyone have any idea why?
Thank you very much

Hi @crocie, welcome to the forums! Can you share your test that is failing, along with the relevant setup code?

Hello @nathan.loding sure!
My test is this:

@Deployment(resources = "classpath:workflow/SimpleServiceTask.bpmn")
class ProcessSimpleServiceTaskTest extends PSQLContainerTestSuite {

  private static final String BPMN_ID = "Process_Simple_Service_Task";

  private ZeebeClient client;

  private SimpleServiceWorker simpleServiceWorker;

  void testProcessSimpleServiceTask() {

    ProcessInstanceEvent processInstance = client.newCreateInstanceCommand()


    waitForProcessInstanceCompleted(processInstance.getProcessInstanceKey(), Duration.ofSeconds(10));

    Mockito.verify(simpleServiceWorker).executeWorkerJob(any(JobClient.class), any(ActivatedJob.class));


And My dummy simple service task is this:

public class SimpleServiceWorker {

  private final ZeebeClient zeebeClient;

  public SimpleServiceWorker(ZeebeClient zeebeClient) {
    this.zeebeClient = zeebeClient;

  public void registryWorker() {
      .handler(new JobHandler() {
        public void handle(JobClient client, ActivatedJob job) throws Exception {
"Execution of {}",job.getType().toLowerCase());
          Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
          map.put("var1", "Test set variable from job handler");

    log.debug("REGISTERED SERVICE");

Hi @crocie ,

you could use an @EventListener for the ZeebeClientCreatedEvent and register your worker there instead of injecting the zeebe client to your bean.

This is a better fit for the zeebe client lifecycle as the zeebe client is reset whenever the engine is reset in a test.



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Hello @jonathan.lukas thanks a lot, it works perfectly!


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