Failed job - Cannot resolve an incident of type failedJob

We have a number of failed jobs - created due to duplicate event sent erroneously.

Is there a way of resolving/deleting these?

I have tried using the API:

https://{host}/rest/incident/{job id}

but received the following error:

“type”: “InvalidRequestException”,
“message”: “Cannot resolve an incident of type failedJob”

Any suggestions?


Hi @dylan.hamilton,

For an incident of type failedJob you can either increase the number of job retries, or execute the corresponding job manually. You can read more about the failedJob type here.


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Hi @nikola.koevski - Thanks - Is there a way to just set the incident as resolved though. I do not want to retry the job again, but simply want to delete the incident. As the data on the external service has been corrected manually. Thanks

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Does anyone have any suggestions for the above?

Tried deleting the job which removes the incident but you are then left with a marker on the diagram suggesting the job is still waiting


Hi - Any chance you can advise?


Hi Dylan,

Sorry for the long delay. My suggestion would have been to remove the job, which you already tried since this also eliminates the related incidents. Have you tried clearing your browser cache? Maybe the marker is just stale information.


To help people find the solution, I leave my answer here.